For lecturers: Digital teaching and exams, Circular to all employees (except Faculty of Medicine), Mon. See MAIRA. It was founded in 1477 by Count Eberhard VI (1445–96), later the first duke of Württemberg , a civic and ecclesiastic reformer who established the school after becoming absorbed in the Renaissance revival of learning during his travels to Italy. The University of Tübingen is pushing back the boundaries of knowledge. The institute is situated in one of the traditional German university towns of Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, which famous for its boat trips and the marvelous architecture of its old town Hölderlin. Email; Program Terms: Spring Semester & Academic Year. and Thurs. Official University of Tubingen page for news and research from Tübingen The University of Tuebingen has joint research projects at all levels with other institutions of higher education, with research institutes and with industry. Find 9497 researchers and browse 173 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to University of Tuebingen | Tübingen, Germany | EKU Tübingen Small steps, narrow alleys and pointed gables shape the silhouette of old Tübingen on the way up to its castle. A total of 27,436 students are enrolled at the University of Tübingen in the current winter semester, including 16,133 women and 11,303 men. In line with its internationalization agenda, the university welcomes applications from researchers outside Germany. Numbers and Facts Around. University of Tuebingen. The number of students increased by 240 compared to the previous year (WS 2019/20: 27,196 students). See SplitsTree and Dendroscope. Tübingen´s contemporary appearance is characterized by 20000 students living in a comparatively small city of 85000. Tel. Prof. Sievert is Honorary Professor of the University of Tübingen and associated to the Department of International Business. Our students are trained in the latest developments in current research. phone +49 (0) 70 71 - 29 - 7 76 24. office C10 P17. Scool of Business and Economics in Tuebingen – a great choice: After very good results for the… Read more 12/01/2020 Curevac - CFO Pierre Kemula answers questions from students at the Department of Banking in an interview Curevac - Since Corona, the Tübinger company Curevac became world-wide well-known. The University of Tübingen is particularly interested in increasing the number of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages women candidates to apply. The Swabian university town of about 90,000 inhabitants and 27,000 students combines the flair of a lovingly restored medieval centre with the colorful bustle and typical atmosphere of a young and cosmopolitan students' town. Simultaneously recording behavior and brain activity enabled the group headed by Professor Andreas Nieder to show that crows are capable of consciously perceiving sensory input. Browse the 173 departments of University of Tuebingen | Tübingen, Germany | EKU Tübingen He has been a manager throughout his professional career and has been, among others, CEO and Chairman of the supervisory board of the Sievert AG. Weitere Angebote. The ratio of foreign students at University of Tübingen is 10% of all students. Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute . The University of Tübingen consolidated its reputation as one of the outstanding universities in Europe. Email: psh Sequence alignment - Development of new algorithms and software for sequence alignment, in particular in the context of metagenome analysis. Portale. The University of Tübingen Eberhard Karls is a respected academic authority in humanities, natural sciences and theology. With the funding provided by the Excellence Strategy and the existing research environment in Tübingen, our cluster will have the best starting conditions to pursue interesting research directions and try new ideas and structures. See DIAMOND and Ella. University of Tübingen is considered to be a large university, teaching more than 28,000 students. The City of Tubingen "Tübingen does not have a university, Tübingen is a university", it is said. for Computer Science. System status Corporate Design Conference materials Cafeteria menu Newsletter Uni Tübingen aktuell Studium Generale Uni shop Calendar of events. University of Tübingen, German in full Eberhard-karls-universität Tübingen, state-supported university at Tübingen, Ger. What can I study in Tübingen? While the majority of the liberal arts departments and institutions are located in the old part of Tübingen, the modern Science Center was built thirty years ago on the hills overlooking the town. Open Office Hours: Mon, Thu: 13:00-15:00 Tue, Fri: 08:30-11:30 News From Canberra to Tübingen: Robert C. Williamson accepts professorship for "Foundations of Machine Learning Systems. With 5,332 freshmen, the number of new and first-time enrollments is around 100 higher than in the previous year. Sand 13 72076 Tuebingen Germany . 70. An abundance of events, museums, and collections enrich the cultural life of the university town. To find out more about our research, please see our list of publications and our list of talks. Zugang nur über eine gesicherte Verbindung ... Zugang nur über eine gesicherte Verbindung The University of Tuebingen. New methods are implemented in the programs MEGAN and MeTical. Room: B109 (Ground floor) Entrance Sand 14 . (WS 2019/20: 5,219) University of Tuebingen is one of the most sought amongst universities in Germany and hence has received the following rankings as per research surveys-#91 in the World University Ranking 2020. 4 talking about this. Office: 8th floor, Q43 +49 7071 29-76379 . OFFER DESCRIPTION. As of 2014 about one in three of the 90,000 people living in Tübingen is a student. I am currently working on the foundations of inference, and here especially on its proof-theoretic basis, pursuing a programme which I have called "proof-theoretic semantics". study +49 7071 29-76833. Combinatorial tiling theory - Development of new algorithms and software for enumerating and exploring two-dimensional periodic tilings. Email this page to a friend; Print this page; Amy Allocco, associate professor of religious studies and director of the Multifaith Scholars Program, recently delivered an invited lecture titled “Living with the Dead in Hindu South India” via Zoom at the University of Tübingen in Germany. The main focus of our lab is on developing new and advanced algorithms for bioinformatics. Interdisciplinary. International – these three words sum up what makes the University of Tübingen one of Germany's top universities. Leandra Krismann, secretary of the Emmy Noether Research Group. Tübingen is one of five classical "university towns" in Germany; the other four being Marburg, Göttingen, Freiburg and Heidelberg. The University’s excellence in research offers optimal study conditions to students who come to Tuebingen, combined with the opportunity to emphasise individual interests along the way. Its 450 professors and 4,000 academics make it the second largest unversity in Baden-Württemberg, following Heidelberg. Almost a quarter of its population are students, and the university with the clinics is the most important employer. info), Swabian: Dibenga) is a traditional university town in central Baden-Württemberg, Germany.It is situated 30 km (19 mi) south of the state capital, Stuttgart, and developed on both sides of the Neckar and Ammer rivers. The positions are part of the ERC-Synergy grant RELEVANCE that investigates the neural and computational processing of bodies, which is realized in collaboration with the Universities of Leuven and Maastricht. Universitat Tuebingen. 72076 Tübingen Germany. : +49-7071-29-74284. ARWU Rankings has placed University of Tuebingen on #8 and #10 rank. The list of all degree programs at the University of Tübingen helps you to choose the subject of your choice. 74th Best Global University in Europe by US News. Innovative. e-mail After post-doctoral research at the University of Leuven (2000-2001), he worked as a research scientist in the Empirical Inference Department at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen (2001-2007). Disabled access Advice for international students Maps Search for persons at the University (EPV) Jobs Organizing Your Studies University Library Programs available Welcome Center for Scholars. Administrator's office Ingrid Estiry +49 7071 29-72117 Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference. All contact persons Responsibilities and opening hours. Address Nauklerstraße 2 D-72074 Tübingen Location map. : 1:00 - 3:00 pm Tues., Wed. and Fri.: 8:30 - 11:30 am, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 72074 Tübingen Germany, © 2020 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Coronavirus research at the University of Tübingen, Corona virus: Information for researchers, Studiengänge in Kooperation mit anderen Universitäten, Master’s studies at the University of Tübingen, Schlüsselqualifikationen: Das Studium Professionale, Doctoral studies at the University of Tübingen, Progressing successfully through your studies, Transregional Collaborative Research Centers (CRC-TRRs), Funding and support for junior researchers, I – Development, Structure and Legal Affairs, Division VIII – Construction, Safety, and Environment, Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies, Dr. Eberle Zentrum für digitale Kompetenzen, European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan, Informations-, Kommunikations- und Medienzentrum (IKM), International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, Zentrum für Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement, Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD), Ansprechpersonen für Fragen im Zusammenhang mit sexueller Belästigung, Programs and modules for international students, Getting started and orientation for international students, Corona virus: Information for students from abroad (incomings), After your studies for international students, Advice and counseling for international students, Coronavirus: Informationen für Tübinger Studierende im Ausland (Outgoings), Closure of all libraries from December 16, Search for persons at the University (EPV). Overview: The University of Tübingen, public institutions, private initiatives, and individuals are all engaged in the numerous cultural activities. © 2020 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, BIOINF4240 - Bioinformatics Tools Praktikum, BIOINF4362 - Seminar Algorithms in Bioinformatics, BIOINF2110 Vorlesung Grundlagen der Bioinformatik, BIOINF1110 Einführung in die Bioinformatik, BIOINF4240 - Bioinformatics Tools Praktikum AB, BIOINF4399 Advanced Java for Bioinformatics, BIOINF2110AB Grundlagen der Bioinformatik, BIOINF4998 Research Project Bioinformatics, Search for persons at the University (EPV). Calendar News and Events. Service. We provide excellent research and teaching aimed at finding solutions to future challenges in a globalized society. The University of Tübingen was founded in 1477 by Count Eberhard V (Eberhard im Bart, 1445–1496), later the first Duke of Württemberg, a civic and ecclesiastic reformer who established the school after becoming absorbed in the Renaissance revival of learning during his travels to Italy. Tübingen is one of five classical "university towns" in Germany; the other four being Marburg, Göttingen, Freiburg and Heidelberg. Autocatalytic networks - We are getting involved in the development and study of algorithms for analyzing autocatalytic networks, see CatlyNet. "Tübingen doesn’t have a university, it is a university", is a common expression for a good reason: With its palm tree symbol and Duke Eberhard’s motto "Attempto" ("I dare"), the university and its about 28,000 students certainly shape the city image. Email; Program Terms: Summer Term. By measuring brain signals, a neuroscience research group at the University of Tübingen has demonstrated for the first time that corvid song-birds possess subjective experience. Long read analysis- We are working on new algorithms and software for analyzing long reads. Overview: The birthplace of German idealism and Germany’s first faculty of science, Tübingen has a rich history of both culture and academic excellence. Find out more about our profile, our structures, and our … Being a foreign citizen does not exclude you from the admission process. Founded in 2000,… Read more More News. See Tegula. The University of Tübingen has been a place of top-level research and excellent teaching for more than 500 years. Microbiome analysis - Development of new algorithms for analysing shotgun metagenomic data. Here is a short list of our current main research interests: Phylogenetic trees and networks - Development of new algorithms for computing and drawing phyogenetic trees and networks. FAQ / Frequently asked questions of international applicants. The university has more than 3 thousand teachers.