- centre: Research calls both Lucas Cranach the Elder and his son as the author. Intressant is an dem Buidl unta ondam, doss nua d Weiwa ins Wossa steign, ois Syboi fiad Schee. In the center background a medieval city view is painted with a stone arch bridge over a river, which leads to the town. As a species we are living increasingly longer lives, and the UK is no exception with its top-heavy age demographic model. November 16 – December 10, 2020 Beatrice Marchi. [4] On the left edge of the pool we can see a man in a red jacket holding a book. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.Photo Wyss-Coray courtesy Stanford University. The fountain was a popular motif in medieval narratives, especially in medieval French literature, and offered versatile opportunities for depictions of nudes and genre scenes. Der Jungbrunnen von Lucas Cranach the Elder als Kunstdruck kaufen. Selected by Elise Lammer The animated video Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen”, 2019, takes its inspiration from Lucas Cranach the Elder’s 1546 painting The Fountain of Youth, which provides the … Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) "The Fountain of Youth", 1546 (Berlin-Gemäldegalerie) Life in Cockaigne is full of pleasures and delights. Artist's insignia bottom centre: winged serpent with dropped wings and dated '1546'. 1 Who hasn’t dreamt of the abundance to be had in this land? handwritten in white chalk: '539.' The foreground shows us the effect of the fountain, with elderly women, frail and worn, some even unable to walk, being led to the pool. - right of the centre: It shows on the bottom center, a winged serpent in flight from Cranach's workshop and the year 1546. Lucas Cranach d. Ä. und seine Wittenberger Werkstatt. Stretched on canvas or printed as photo. Berlin 1937, 47, No. label: 'Staatliche Museen Berlin - Gemäldegalerie/ Katalog-Nr. With an archive of over 12 million photographs bpk holds one of the most distinguished contemporary historical photo collections in Europe. A pool with a fountain and a statue of Venus and Cupid occupies the middle foreground. With or without painting frame. 129], Reverse of the panel: Lately it is associated with the late work of the father, but other employees of the Cranach workshop were probably involved in the execution. Der Jungbrunnen Lucas Cranach the Elder. Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! The basin, which covers the center foreground, is shown from a high point of view and is depicted as a square, surrounded by steps leading into the basin. Lucas Cranach the Elder, ‘Der Jungbrunnen’ (‘The Fountain of Youth’), 1546. The image is an oil painting on a lime wood board, executed in landscape format with the dimensions 186.1 x 120.6 centimeters. The Fountain of Youth Lucas Cranach the Elder Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 24.12.2020 - 23:07 It shows a fountain where older women but not men bathe, are rejuvenated and finally indulge in music, dance and good food. It shows on the bottom center, a winged serpent in flight from Cranach's workshop and the year 1546. 659' and seal of the Royal castles. La Fontaine de Jouvence / Der Jungbrunnen 1546 Oeuvre de Lucas Cranach l'Ancien (1472-1553) Gemäldegalerie (Kulturforum, Berlin) Le tableau exprime le désir de l'être humain à l’immortalité et à l’éternelle jeunesse. On the right a mighty mountain range is surrounded with lush fields and fruit trees. It shows on the bottom center, a winged serpent in flight from Cranach's workshop and the year 1546. The background depicts a fantastic rocky landscape with unreal perspectives and proportions. Lucas Cranach - Der Jungbrunnen (The Fountain of Youth), 1564 (Wikimedia Commons) Bo and I discuss some of the leading candidates for extending both human lifespan and “health-span”, including metformin, nicotinamide riboside & nicotinamide mononucleotide, and caloric restriction. Lucas Cranach - Der Jungbrunnen (The Fountain of Youth), 1564 (Wikimedia Commons) Bo and I discuss some of the leading candidates for extending both human lifespan and “health-span”, including metformin, nicotinamide riboside & nicotinamide mononucleotide, and … Image: Lucas Cranach the elder, Der Jungbrunnen (The Fountain of Youth) As the slow wheels of progress turn and healthcare provisions improve, we clamber forward into what has been termed an Age of Longevity. [Gemäldegalerie, revised 2010], Painting on lime wood A miniature castle on a rock can be seen on the far left, leaning over a cliff. On the edge of the basin, two women wrapped in towels are shown. Basel 1974, 420, No. The presentation of old naked women is very uncommon for the art of this period: idealized nudes of young men and women were a more widespread genre. ‘The Fountain Of Youth’ was created in 1546 by Lucas Cranach the Elder in Northern Renaissance style. So much going on, i could stare at it for hours Sensual pleasures belonged to the bathroom now. [Gemäldegalerie, revised 2010], Lucas Cranach der Jüngere? (#29794) [1][2] The Fountain of Youth is a oil on canvas painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder from the year 1546. The beauty ideal for women in Cranach's age consisted of a bulging belly, round shapes without pubic hair, high-set breasts with small nipples and fair hair. in Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds.. in Claus Grimm, Johannes Erichsen, Evamaria Brockhoff, eds., Veröffentlichungen zur bayerischen Geschichte und Kultur. Jahrhundert. in: The Fountain of Youth by Lucas Cranach (I), "Verein 1000 Jahre Kronach e.V. To Lucas Cranach the Elder, the German painter who depicted “Der Jungbrunnen” in 1546, it was about the vivid physical rejuvenation of the withered old folk immersing themselves into the pool. 593/ Lucas Cranach d. Ä./ Der Jungbrunnen' Die illustrative Darstellung von Jungbrunnen findet sich bereits im 14. In Cranach's picture all men are young, represented gallant and advantageous towards the elder women, however ugly and unattractive. [Hartlaub, 1958] [Gemäldegalerie, revised 2010]. Lucas Cranach der Ältere (* 1472 in Kronach, Oberfranken; † 1553 in Weimar) war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Maler und Grafiker der Renaissance. Auf Leinwand gespannt oder Foto. Image: Lucas Cranach, “Der Jungbrunnen,” Gemäldegalerie Berlin. Überlegungen zu zwei datierten Werken aus dem Kunsthistoriachen Museum in Wien. Jungbrunnen, engl. Old women are carried to the water from to left side of the image and a miracle enables them to emerge on the other side visibly younger. The picture belonged to the inventory of the former Prussian royal palaces, and now hangs in the Gemäldegalerie museum in Berlin.[3]. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. ", Madonna with Child with Young John the Baptist, Portraits of Henry IV of Saxony and Catherine of Mecklenburg, Art in the Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Fountain_of_Youth_(Cranach)&oldid=994272293, Wikipedia articles with Bildindex identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 186.1 cm à 120.6 cm (73.3 in à 47.5 in). Öl auf Holz, 1546, 122 x 186,5 cm, Gemäldegalerie in Berlin This has an almost dystopian Hieronymus Bosch feel to it. Lucas Cranach. These women, of which one sits at the front left corner and the other at the center bottom of the basin, seem to be reluctant to get into the water, doubting whether a rejuvenated life is even desirable. [Gemäldegalerie Berlin, Unsinn 2010], - acquired from the Royal Castles' Collection (Königliche Schlösser), http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-104522, http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schade1974, http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/friedlaender1932, http://www.archive.org/stream/cranachstudien01flecuoft#page/n5/mode/2up, http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schuchardt1851bd2, [Exhib. The picture shows a man's dream. bpk-images.de Cranach Digital Archive Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur, object 02554127 Web Gallery of Art Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich: Lukas Cranach d. Ä., Der Jungbrunnen, 1549, Berlin 1943 Bemerkungen zum Berliner "Jungbrunnen". in Elke E. Werner, Anne Eusterschulte, Gunnar Heydenreich, eds., The Artistic Emergence of Lucas Cranach the Younger, Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Cranachs "Wiedererwachsung". ☝️ Es zeigt den mythischen Jungbrunnen, der die verlorene Jugend wieder zurückbringt. Henning Bock, Irene Geismeier, Rainald Grosshans, Jan Kelch, Wilhelm H. Köhler, Rainer Michaelis, Hannelore Nützmann, Erich Schleier: Dierk Spreen: "Die kurze Geschichte der Zeitmaschine". By 1830, the fountain was part of the management of the royal palaces. They are adorned in a tent and amuse themselves on a meadow with flowers, dancing and dining in the company of knights. Mit oder ohne Gemälderahmen. Das Bild stellt ein Bad dar, in dem von der einen Seite gealterte Frauen ins Wasser steigen, das sie auf der anderen Seite verjüngt verlassen. Dees Weak is heit in da Gmäjdegalerie Berlin. We produce your artwork exactly like you wish. Wir fertigen Ihr Gemälde genau nach Ihren Wünschen. Herr Pfarrer Johannes Rost erzählt heute von dem wunderbaren Bild, welches Lucas Cranach, der Ältere schuf, wir sehen den Jungbrunnen, oder ein riesengroßes Planschbecken, wie es der junge Pfarrer sagt, machen wirs so, wie es jeder sehen will, aber Lucas Cranach schuf dieses Bild als Jungbrunnen. Here the women get dressed before they can move on to indulge in sensual pleasures, as suggested in the right background, where young couples are dancing and dining to music. More than 100 major museums and libraries are already partners of bpk. Noticed a mistake? Thank you! 287] Ungdomens springbrunn (tyska: Der Jungbrunnen) är en målning av Lucas Cranach den äldre från 1546.. Målningens attribuering är inte helt säker, nämligen om upphovsmannen är Lucas Cranach den äldre eller Lucas Cranach den yngre.Det är känt att målningen är gjord på … Lucas Cranach d. Ä. Aufstellung des Deutschen Museums im Pergamonmuseum, Raum 12, Cranach-Kabinett 1930 - 1937 Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Lucas Cranach schuf 1546 das bekannte Bild vom Jungbrunnen, wo ältere Frauen in ein Bad steigen und durch Zauberkräfte verwandelt als junge Mädchen dem Wasser wieder entsteigen. The image is an oil painting on a lime wood board, executed in landscape format with the dimensions 186.1 x 120.6 centimeters. Der Jungbrunnen ist der Titel eines Gemäldes von Lucas Cranach dem Älteren von 1546. In recent years bpk has established a common picture portal of leading cultural institutions from Germany and abroad. The exhibition travels through 10 differing zones The Reception — A step into the history of lithium from its discovery in 1817, its use for medicinal purposes and its ability in …