GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg. The runners pass numerous landmarks including the old bridge, the philosophers trail, the holy mountain and the famous castle of Heidelberg. time. About 800 natural sandstone stairs must be conquered to reach the finish on the Karlsplatz, a beautiful place in Heidelberg’s old town with an amazing view at the old castle. card_giftcard. World's Marathons Gift Cards Get notified about new articles and races, Thank your for subscribing to our Newsletter. Run today and get the medal and T-shirt! 3 oct. 2021 - 11:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Bade-Wurtemberg / Heidelberg Semi-Marathon au Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Solo. On October 6th the GELITA Trail Marathon leads the runners not only through the amazing old town of Heidelberg but also over exhausting trails and across several mountains around the city at the Neckar. Team-Staffel. Several Checkpoints need to be passed before a specific keyboard_arrow_right. Run today and get the medal and T-shirt! To find the one which is right for you, click on any of the Tours to see a full breakdown of its details including elevation profiles and surface analyses, and browse real tips and photos shared by other members of the Komoot community. Full, Half, 10k, 5k and 1k, all the races offer a different experience for runners with different ages and abilities. First Half-Trail. A Digital Gift Card With a Special Message. Bilstein-Marathon. Free local public transport for participants. This makes the marathon distance especially tough, with overall 1.500 meters altitude difference and creates a challenge only experienced Trail runners will manage. StaffelMarathon. 0. In Heidelberg, one of Germany’s most beautiful cities, one of the most exceptional marathons of the whole country takes place. Its fast and flat route is perfect for your first half marathon or a new 21K personal best! Race Start in the monastic village of Glendalough - one of Ireland's most popular tourist destinations. Various Le sentier longe une rivière et sa difficulté est évaluée comme modérée. There's a big difference between running a road versus trail marathon. Oct 03 2021 - 11:00 Europe / Western Europe / Germany / Baden-Württemberg / Heidelberg Marathon Running On Site Road Relay. Race There are also some exciting cycling and mountain biking routes through Heidelberg’s forest. Les informations de course ont été trouvées sur le site officiel de l'événement ou par des sources accessibles au public. Freiburg Marathon. 0. The new digital standard for online registrations and marketing automation for endurance events. Start in the monastic village of Glendalough - one of Ireland's most popular tourist destinations. The spectacular mountain scenery, a 360° panoramic view at the finish will take your breath away. The Lake District provides the epic backdrop for this trail running adventure. L'annulation a été annoncée hier par Vath Chamroeun, secrétaire général du Comité national olympique du Cambodge, ajoutant que ce sixième Angkor Ultra Trail … PRODUCTION. Team-Staffel. three places of all competitions (m/f/mixed). On the Königstuhl hill the City of Heidelberg has prepared two very special forest paths: the Via Naturae and the Forest Adventure Trail (Walderlebnispfad). GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany Oct 4, 2020 (2021 TBD) Overall Rating Overall Rating 0 (No Ratings) Marathon, Marathon Relay, 30K, 9K, Kids Run Trail (Unpaved) Official race website; DIFFICULTY. Run the 73k in the Florence province, Italy to discover the history of Chianti. GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg. Int. Free local public transport for participants. race result Timing BW GmbH Nachtigallenweg 19 71032 Böblingen Erste Filmversuche mit der Rollai 630 Actioncam. 0. Freiburg Marathon. The runners pass numerous landmarks including the old bridge, the philosophers trail, the holy mountain and the famous castle of Heidelberg. number, runners bag, free bag storage, nutrition, massage service, free local public Informations officielles sur les horaires & le parcours du GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg -, le calendrier des courses en Allemagne et dans le monde entier. Le sentier est principalement utilisé pour la course à pied. Depot for bags right beside the finish line. Vorbereitungslauf zum GELITA Trail Marathon 2016 mit Florian Neuschwander. BiMa 42 Wandern. The race information has been found on the official website of the event or through publicly available sources. Team-Staffel. Oct 03 2021 - 10:00 Europe / Western Europe / Germany / North Rhine-Westphalia / Köln Marathon Running On Site Road Solo. electrolyte drinks, fruits, energy bars and energy gels in constant intervals. Heidelberg Half Marathon Running route mapped by Karol Nass 2 years ago Starts near Heidelberg, DE SEARCH NEARBY. GELITA Trail Marathon 2021, 02.10.2021/03.10.2021, Heidelberg. Finisher Beim Hauptlauf über 42 Kilometer, 1.500 Höhenmeter und drei Berge gewannen Dioni Gorla und und Moritz auf der Heide. Be the first to write a review for this event. In Heidelberg, one of Germany’s most beautiful cities, one of the most exceptional marathons of the whole country takes place. electrolyte drinks, fruits, energy bars and energy gels in constant intervals. DISTANCE 1633 ft | 1633 ft. Pictures Maximum Run the 73k in the Florence province, Italy to discover the history of Chianti. Sports event in Heidelberg, Germany by GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg on Sunday, October 4 2020 with 427 people interested and 126 people going. In Heidelberg, one of Germany’s most beautiful cities, one of the most exceptional marathons of the whole country takes place. Mehr Informationen unter Neue Ultra-Distanz: Long Distance Trail Pressemitteilung 27.06.2019.pdf Have you ever dreamed about joining the Great Wall Marathon? Toujours se référer au site officiel pour les dernières informations sur la course. One of the many beautiful circular hiking trails in the Heidelberg city forest. Few parking Always refer to the official website the latest race information. Now you can join the event virtually from anywhere in the world! GELITA Trail Marathon leads the runners not only through the amazing old town of Heidelberg but also over exhausting trails and across several mountains around the city at the Neckar. Showering facilities available. or bus highly recommended. Marathon, Train, tram À propos GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg. Le chemin de halage se trouve sur la rive nord du Neckar à Heidelberg. Soyez le premier à rédiger un commentaire sur cet événement. 0 comments. Windermere is the largest natural lake in England. GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg. The YETI BIKE RACE Nepal is a stage MTB race which summit is the Thorong la Pass, the highest cycle path in the world at 5316m. Finisher Pictures Expert tips, insights, runner stories and more. Windermere is the largest natural lake in England. I have read and accept World's Marathons Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of personal data. In Heidelberg, one of Germany’s most beautiful cities, one of the most exceptional marathons of the whole country takes place. The event takes in the old town of Heidelberg. Schwarzwald-Marathon. 3 oct. 2021 - 10:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie / Köln Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Relais. 30km, 3 oct. 2021 - 11:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Bade-Wurtemberg / Heidelberg Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Relais. A Digital Gift Card With a Special Message. Expert tips, insights, runner stories and more. Créez votre compte (gratuit) maintenant en choisissant un mot de passe ! Trail Pursuit Marathon. Über 1.000 Läufer starteten wertungsübergreifend beim GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg 2018 und genossen von einem goldenen Herbst-Tag. 5 km. X. can be bought from after the event. Public transport recommended. can be bought from after the event. The runners pass numerous landmarks including the old bridge, the philosophers trail, the holy mountain and the famous castle of Heidelberg. Ultra. The tips from expert trail runners will help you prepare for 26.2 miles on new terrain. transport. race result Timing BW GmbH Nachtigallenweg 19 71032 Böblingen Click on the link below to go to the official site of the race. card_giftcard. Train, tram ASCENT / DESCENT Mixed . GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg. Full, Half, 10k, 5k and 1k, all the races offer a different experience for runners with different ages and abilities. 3 oct. 2021 - 10:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie / Köln Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Relais. The GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg welcomes you and up to three thousand other runners from all over the world to an exceptional running event on 05 October 2014. Bienvenue sur le calendrier 2020 - 2021 Ahotu des Marathons en relais organisés en Europe de l'Ouest en octobre. You have already subscribed to our newsletter! Ultra marathon - 50km, Staffel- Marathon. The new digital standard for online registrations and marketing automation for endurance events. The Lake District provides the epic backdrop for this trail running adventure. TERRAIN CALORIES CONFIGURE. Veuillez nous informer si des données sont fausses ou manquantes, en nous envoyant un e-mail.. Soyez informé des nouveaux articles et courses, Thank your for subscribing to our Newsletter. Étant donné que cette montagne est soumise à des conditions climatiques spéciales, la température y est en moyenne plus élevée de 1,5 degrés supérieure à celle de la zone urbaine. 3 oct. 2021 - 11:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Bade-Wurtemberg / Heidelberg Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Relais. First Generali Staffelmarathon Köln. nutrition and massage service after the race. directions_runAdresse de départ: Karlspl., 69117 Heidelberg, Germany, flagAdress d'arrivée: Karlspl., 69117 Heidelberg, Germany. transport. Köln Marathon. 30km, Marathon, GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg. Unkommentiert. The event takes in the old town of Heidelberg. Rate this route (0) ROUTE METRICS. three places of all competitions (m/f/mixed). GELITA Trail Marathon leads the runners not only through the amazing old town of Heidelberg but also over exhausting trails and across several mountains around the city at the Neckar. Marathon de Cologne. Le sentier et sa difficulté est évaluée comme difficile. 10 km-Lauf. 11 oct. 2021 - 09:30 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Bade-Wurtemberg / Bräunlingen Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Relais. Generali Staffelmarathon … Vous pouvez m'envoyer des e-mails avec des offres et des réductions pour les événements présents sur World's Marathons, Vous ne pouvez pas encore acheter de billet, Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour accéder au site officiel de la course. Its fast and flat route is perfect for your first half marathon or a new 21K personal best! Il faut d’abord franchir quelques mètres d’altitude avant d’atteindre la petite mer rocheuse par un chemin forestier. Die restlichen Zieleinläufe, die es leider nich in unsere Show geschafft haben. time. hotel located near the event area. This makes the marathon distance especially tough, with overall 1.500 meters altitude difference and creates a challenge only experienced Trail runners will manage. or bus highly recommended. Ancient athletics stadiums provided inspiration, as did the ring- walls of medieval cities. The Stockholm Marathon has a glorious finish, inside the Stadium of the 1912 Olympic Games, packed with supporters. Schwarzwald-Marathon. It's ok to send me emails with deals and discounts for events on World's Marathons. 120 views. Marathon de Cologne. 3 oct. 2021 - 11:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Bade-Wurtemberg / Heidelberg Marathon Course à pied Sur Site Route Relais. World's Marathons Gift Cards Showering facilities available. Various A special challenge is the legendary “Himmelsleiter” the heavens ladder. Water, 5 km, favorite_border Enregistrer pour plus tard. Now you can join the event virtually from anywhere in the world! Inscrivez-vous powered … Le sentier est principalement utilisé pour la randonnée. directions_runStart Address: Karlspl., 69117 Heidelberg, Germany, flagFinish Address: Karlspl., 69117 Heidelberg, Germany. Taking “HERRLICH.HÖHER.HÄRTER.” (HEAVENLY. On Site Trail Hilly Solo. Duo-Staffel. The spectacular mountain scenery, a 360° panoramic view at the finish will take your breath away. Have you ever dreamed about joining the Great Wall Marathon? Water, Generali Staffelmarathon Köln. Few parking Create your free account now by choosing a password! The Lake District provides the epic backdrop for this trail running adventure. Der Marathon gehört zu den außergewöhnlichsten Trailrunning Events Deutschlands: Auf der 42 Kilometer langen Strecke überwinden die Teilnehmer rund 1.500 Höhenmeter, unter anderem mit Anstiegen auf den Heiligenberg und den Königstuhl. GELITA Trail Marathon leads the runners not only through the amazing old town of Heidelberg but also over exhausting trails and across several mountains around the city at the Neckar. spots available in car parks around the event-location. Time for Marathon: 7h. 10 oct. 2021 - 16:00 Europe / Europe de l'Ouest / Allemagne / Bade-Wurtemberg / Bräunlingen 10 km Course à pied Sur Site Route Solo. Heidelberg, Kloster und Neuburg est un sentier de point à point de 5.8 miles situé près de Heidelberg, Bade-Wurtemberg en Allemagne. Köln Marathon. A special challenge is the legendary “Himmelsleiter” the heavens ladder. GELITA Trail Marathon 2020, 03.10.2020/04.10.2020, Heidelberg. … Ici, vous marchez au pied du Heiligenberg. About 800 natural sandstone stairs must be conquered to reach the finish on the Karlsplatz, a beautiful place in Heidelberg’s old town with an amazing view at the old castle. It is still used for many purposes, home of the international athletics meeting, BAUHAUS-Galan, and the venue of live acts such as Bruce Springsteen and U2. On October 6th the GELITA Trail Marathon leads the runners not only through the amazing old town of Heidelberg but also over exhausting trails and across several mountains around the city at the Neckar. Several Checkpoints need to be passed before a specific Avec le S-Bahn, vous pouvez facilement rejoindre la gare Karlstor / Heidelberg. The YETI BIKE RACE Nepal is a stage MTB race which summit is the Thorong la Pass, the highest cycle path in the world at 5316m. Time for Marathon: 7h. Windermere is the largest natural lake in England. In this guide, we’ve reviewed our full collection of road biking routes around Heidelberg to bring you the 20 best rides in the region. number, runners bag, free bag storage, nutrition, massage service, free local public You cannot buy your ticket via us yet! Want to go hiking around Heidelberg to explore more of this corner of Electoral Palatinate? Ne sont présentés ici que les courses qui Freiburg Marathon. Spannende Trails aus der Strecke des MTB Bike-Marathon Albstadt mit Höhenprofil. RheinEnergieMarathon Köln. Mannheim Marathon est un sentier en boucle de 26.6 miles très fréquenté situé près de Mannheim, Bade-Wurtemberg en Allemagne. Il y a une cabane comme premier arrêt. Ultra marathon - 50km, I have read and accept World's Marathons Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of personal data. In this guide, we’ve reviewed our full collection of hikes and walking routes around Heidelberg to bring you the top 20 hiking routes in the region. HIGHER. hotel located near the event area. SCENERY. Public transport recommended. Ce calendrier rassemble tous les types d'activités (Course, Marche, Marche Nordique raids, Course à obstacle, Course verticale, Canicross ...).